
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone! 

I have exactly 20 days until launch!! How crazy is that? This summer has flown by. I am feeling so many emotions right now from excited to nervous to mind boggled to how i got here. It is crazy to see how far God has brought me from exactly one year ago today. I was in LA serving at the dream center and really getting to know who God is and what roll he was going to play in my life. God has shown me who He is in this past year. He has showed me my passion to serve people unconditionally with no expectations. He has taught me to love the people of His world and to serve them whole heartedly. I am so excited to get to do this for a whole year! With that being said let’s talk about fundraising. 

Since last January i knew i was going to go on the world race. I knew this is what God was calling me to do. I knew he had set a fire in my heart to serve His people. I started off so afraid of the balance owed. I looked at $19,900 dollars and said where and the heck was that going to come from? I was anxious just looking at the number let alone trying to figure out how i was going to get there in 9 months. Let me tell you… if God is calling you to do something HE WILL PROVIDE. He is going to get you to that goal. I have watched as i have gotten closer and closer to this big scary number month after month and i won’t lie there where times i doubted God could do it but i kept reminding myself that He is faithful and He will not let his children down. I have successfully raised $15,000 dollars! I still have about 5,900 left to raise and i have never been so confident that God was going to provide this in just 20 days. I know my God is capable of moving in miraculous ways and I am so excited to leave for this trip i will not let the worry of fundraising get in the way of spending these last waking moments with the people i love. I am going to sit back and soak in everything i can before i leave. I thank God that he has been faithful and i will believe these next few weeks he will continue to be faithful. 

Now, to everyone who has donated to my race or who has been praying for me or who has even been considering donating, THANK YOU. Thank you for your continuous support and love. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for seeing your money as a gift to share with someone who wants to share the gospel with people all around this world. I appreciate every single one of you. I have never believed in something more then i believe in what God is going to do on this trip. God bless you all and thanks for reading!!